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Free IQ Test

30 minutes on average40 questions4,9 / 5

Before taking the test, make sure you are in a quiet place and can concentrate. Once you have chosen an answer, you cannot change it.

The result takes your age and your completion time into account. It will inform you about your IQ in your age category, how well you did within your continent, the world population, your education level and your study area.

Average IQ score

The average IQ score is considered to be between 90 to 110. About 51.6% of the world population falls in that range. That means about every second person falls under that category. This isn't a coincidence. IQ tests are constructed in that way. Below you will see the average IQ scores for some categories. These values are what we have calculated on this website so far.

Average IQ by age

You can see the categorization of the ages on the y-axis and the average IQ on the x-axis. This website categorizes youth ages 12 to 18, young adults ages 19 to 35, adults ages 36 to 65, and seniors ages 66 to 100.

Average IQ by gender

The average IQ by gender can be seen in the diagram above. It is confirmed from several trusted studies that the average IQ results don't differ between the sexes. Differences have been reported, however, in specific areas such as mathematics and verbal measures. Since this IQ test isn't verbal the average IQ for males could be slightly higher. A 2004 meta-analysis by Richard Lynn and Paul Irwing, published in 2005, found that the mean IQ of men exceeded that of women by up to 5 points on the Raven's Progressive Matrices test.

Average IQ by education level

The relationship between intelligence and education is one that scientists have been studying for years. It is true to say that a higher level of education leads to a higher level of intelligence and vice versa, but it is not true in every situation.

On this website, we differentiate between 6 education levels.

  1. Primary/secondary education level

    Definition: Programmes are typically designed to provide students with fundamental skills in reading, writing and mathematics and to establish a solid foundation for learning. After that, it builds on secondary education, typically with a more subject-oriented curriculum. Second/final stage of secondary education preparing for tertiary education and/or providing skills relevant to employment. Usually with an increased range of subject options and streams.

  2. Post-secondary non-tertiary education level

    Definition: Programmes provide learning experiences that build on secondary education and prepare for labour market entry and/or tertiary education. The content is broader than secondary but not as complex as tertiary education.

  3. Short-cycle tertiary education level
  4. Definition: Short first tertiary programmes that are typically practically-based, occupationally-specific and prepare for labour market entry. These programmes may also provide a pathway to other tertiary programmes.

  5. Bachelor's or equivalent
  6. Definition: Programmes designed to provide intermediate academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies leading to a first tertiary degree or equivalent qualification.

  7. Master's or equivalent
  8. Definition: Programmes designed to provide advanced academic and/or professional knowledge, skills and competencies leading to a second tertiary degree or equivalent qualification.

  9. Doctorate or equivalent
  10. Definition: Programmes designed primarily to lead to an advanced research qualification, usually concluding with the submission and defence of a substantive dissertation of publishable quality based on original research.

Average IQ by study area

Physics, Mathematical Sciences and Philosophy are among the majors with the highest IQs, according to research. This can vary depending on the country. Here you can see the study area on the y-axis and the average IQ measured on the x-axis.

Average IQ by country

Lower IQ
Higher IQ

Universaliqtest Statistics

Our statistics above are based on the measured data of all candidates worldwide and may evolve depending on the new results recorded.

Furthermore, we complement each IQ result with personalized statistics that assess the candidate based on various parameters (population, age category, gender, study level, study area).

Our statistics can change over time since every result is stored in our database. The more results we store, the more accurate the statistics will be. The calculation of the IQ scores is done in real-time.

Online IQ test types

There are 2 types of online IQ tests. Free IQ tests and paid IQ tests.

Free IQ tests

Free IQ tests use a fairly simple approach. Only the number of correct answers is taken into account, neglecting the age and processing time of the participant. It uses a predefined IQ value for a certain number of correct answers, with the IQ being calculated from the number of correct answers alone. This leads to a very imprecise IQ value due to the Flynn effect. It was discovered that people became smarter over time, a discovery known as the Flynn Effect. This surge in IQ means that the "average human IQ" we see today is significantly higher than it was a hundred years ago. In a free IQ test, the Flynn effect is not even taken into account as they only give an IQ score based on the number of correct answers.

Paid IQ tests

Another type of IQ test is usually not for free and uses the bell curve's normal distribution function (Gauss curve) to assess one's IQ score. First, they rank the candidates against each other and from that they calculate your IQ score. Most IQ test web apps don't take the age and completion time into consideration for the ranking, which also makes it inaccurate. The latter strategy is a lot better though. The reason for that is that people's results are ranked among each other first before the IQ score is calculated.

IQ classification

To understand how IQ scores are classified on Universaliqtest, we need a deeper understanding of the gaussian distribution of intelligence.

This is the normal distribution curve with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. As you can see above, about 51.6% of test-takers have an IQ between 90 and 110 IQ score (green). 22.1% of the participants have an IQ score of 70-89 or 111-130 (orange). Only about 1.74% of the test participants have an IQ between 50 to 70 or 130 to 150 (red).

The sum of all the frequencies adds up to approximately 99.28%. This is the case because technically an IQ score less than 50 or more than 150 are possible but only 0.72% fall under that category.

Genius: 131+ IQ

Only about 2-3% of the world's population have an IQ above 131. These people have no difficulty solving very complex problems efficiently. They usually have an obsessive level of interest or curiosity about something. In addition, they are perfectionists and need to do things accurately and excellently.

Above-average: 111 - 130 IQ

About 22 - 23% of the world population can be classified as above average. They have all the capabilities to solve very complex problems. Mid-level complex problems are solved very efficiently by them.

Average: 90 - 110 IQ

If you are considered average you are like the majority of people. About 52% of people fall under this category. They might skip very complex problems or take a long time to solve them. However, they are capable of solving some of the very complex problems.

Below average: 70-89 IQ

This is the lower end of the average result. This result is normal for many people. Usually, they answer simple questions without any problems. They can also solve medium-complex questions, but they can make mistakes due to lack of attention or poor concentration. Typically, they skip the more difficult questions or take too much time to answer them.

Borderline impaired or delayed: 69 - IQ

Intellectual disability affects about 2 - 3% of the general population. often times they had issues with motor skills development like sitting crawling or walking when they were growing up. Sometimes they have difficulty with self-help and self-care skills like getting dressed, washing and feeding themselves.

IQ score calculation on Universaliqtest

On Universaliqtest, the IQ score is normalized with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Our test is constructed so that the results are approximately normally distributed for a sufficiently large population sample. The IQ test score takes one's age, the number of correct answers and the completion time into consideration for the ranking. After that, a so-called percent rank (from 0-1) is calculated and normalized with the bell curve (mean 100 and deviation 15) in order to calculate the IQ score. This IQ score is dynamic and can change over time, as more and more people take this IQ test your percent rank can change. Once you completed your test you can visit your result page and see your score change and adjust in real-time. The score won't change significantly because there are millions of people who took this test already.

Frequently asked questions

What is the highest/lowest possible IQ?

On Universaliqtest the highest or lowest IQ scores are dynamic according to how many people took the test. Right now the highest possible IQ is 150 and the lowest possible IQ is 50. These numbers change over time the more people take this test.

What is considered an average IQ?

An average IQ score is between 85 and 115. 68% of IQ scores are within one standard deviation of the mean. This means that the majority of people have an IQ value between 85 and 115.

Why is there no time limit?

On Universaliqtest we take the time for completion into consideration when ranking the candidates against each other. However, it is not necessary for a time limit because the time is being considered. For optimal IQ scores, you would need a completion time of around 30-40 minutes.

How accurate is this IQ test?

Since every day new users take our test we have a pretty large database. Every IQ score is calculated real-time and is dynamic. That is also the reason why we believe our test is one of the most accurate IQ tests available online. It is worth mentioning that most IQ tests online aren't accurate because they only use the number of correct answers for the IQ score without considering rank, the candidate's age and the candidate's completion time.